Back in 1961, in a small village in Burgundy, France, Pierre Verdun teamed up with his friend Robert Comte to develop a groundbreaking culinary concept. They created the first food preparation machine with a blade at the bottom of a pot, capable of chopping, grinding, shredding, and kneading. This innovative creation marked the birth of Magimix, a brand that would revolutionise food preparation. Magimix quickly gained recognition and was the first food processor to hit the British market, establishing a new benchmark for kitchen appliances.
From the start, Magimix has been dedicated to eco-friendly practices, staying true to its mission of designing simple, efficient, and durable products. Over time, the company has broadened its product range to include a wide array of high-quality appliances, such as blenders, ice-cream makers, juicers, and Nespresso coffee machines. Despite this diversification, Magimix has consistently upheld its commitment to sustainability and efficiency, ensuring that every product not only meets the needs of modern kitchens but also aligns with environmental values.
Magimix Food Processors
Our range of Magimix Food Processors, including the latest designs, available in Le Mini Plus, 3200XL, 4200XL, 5200XL, & 5200XL Premium.
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