OBLIGATIONS OF USERUse of this website http://www.hartsofstur.com, as described below, is prohibited. These descriptions are guidelines and are not intended to be exhaustive or all-inclusive.
Illegal/Criminal Activity; The Company web site may not be used in connection with criminal or civil violations of state, federal, or international laws, regulations, or other government rules or requirements. Such violations include theft or infringement of copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, or other types of intellectual property; fraud; forgery; theft or misappropriation of funds, credit cards, or personal information; and threats of physical harm or harassment.
Security Violations : The Company web site may not be used in connection with attempts, whether successful or not, to violate the security of a network, service, or other system. Examples of prohibited activities include hacking, cracking into, monitoring, or using systems without authorization; scanning ports; conducting denial of service attacks; and distributing viruses or other harmful software.
Basic Security : Users are responsible for maintaining the basic security of their computer systems and to prevent use by others in a manner that violates these Terms. Examples include: improperly securing a mail server so others can use it to distribute spam; improperly securing an FTP server so that it may be used by others to illegally distribute licensed software or media content. Users are responsible for taking corrective actions on vulnerable or exploited systems to prevent continued abuse.
Threats : The Company web site may not be used to transmit materials of a threatening nature, including threats of death or physical harm, harassment, libel, and defamation.
Offensive Materials : The Company web site may not be used for the distribution of offensive materials, including obscene, pornographic, indecent, and hateful materials. Further, Users agree to adhere to the following requirements:
a. Comply with all laws, ordinances, statutes and applicable legislation and to respect all 3rd-party rights. In particular, User shall not:
i. Provide, post or otherwise distribute content which is defamatory, threatening, disparaging, grossly inflammatory, false, misleading, fraudulent, inaccurate, unfair, contains gross exaggeration or unsubstantiated claims, violates the privacy rights of any 3rd-party, is unreasonably harmful or offensive to any individual or community;
ii. Use or post any pornographic materials or any content that violates any applicable legislation for the protection of minors; or advertise or promote, offer or distribute any pornographic product or products which do not comply with any applicable legislation for the protection of minors;
iii. Unreasonably annoy (particularly with SPAM) any other User;
iv. Use or post, without authorization, any content protected by law (e.g. copyright, trademark, patent, utility patent, design patent or other intellectual property (IP) laws), or advertise, promote, offer or distribute any goods or services protected by law;
v. Use, post or promote any commercial practices considered unfair competition, including progressive customer acquisition practices (such as chain distribution systems, Ponzi schemes, illegal multi-level selling or pyramid sales).
b. You may not provide, post or otherwise distribute, User content that:
i. Contains vulgar, profane, abusive, racist or hateful language or expressions, epithets or slurs, text, photographs, videos or illustrations in poor taste, inflammatory attacks of a personal, racial or religious nature;
ii. Discriminates on the grounds of race, religion, national origin, gender, age, marital status, sexual orientation or disability, or refers to such matters in any manner prohibited by law or moral standards;
iii. Violates or encourages the violation of any municipal, state, provincial, federal or international law, rule, regulation or ordinance;
iv. Interferes with any User's uninterrupted use of the Company website;
v. Advertises, promotes or offers to trade any goods or services;
vi. Uploads or transmits viruses or other harmful, disruptive or destructive files, material or code;
vii. Disrupts, interferes with, or otherwise harms or violates the security of the Company web site or any services, system resources, accounts, passwords, servers or networks connected to or accessible through the Company web site;
viii. "Flames" any individual or entity (e.g. sends repeated messages related to another User and/or makes derogatory or offensive comments about another User or individual), or repeats prior posting of the same message under multiple threads or subjects.
WARNING: ANY VIOLATION OF THESE POSTING RULES THAT INVOLVES CRIMINAL CONDUCT OF ANY KIND WILL BE REFERRED TO LAW ENFORCEMENT AUTHORITIES UPON NOTICE RECEIVED BY THE COMPANY.It is your responsibility to determine that your input into our site, including use of any chat room areas of our site, including your choice of your user name, conforms to the above conditions. If you notice any content which breaches these conditions, please notify us by email to
[email protected].
SPAM : Spam is an unacceptable use of the Company web site. Spam includes any of the following activities:
a. Posting a single message or messages similar in content, to more than five (5) online forums or newsgroups and posting messages to online forums or newsgroups that violate their rules.
b. Collecting responses from unsolicited e-mail.
c. Sending any unsolicited e-mail that could be expected to provoke complaints. The Company shall have complete discretion to determine as to whether or not any particular content would be expected to provoke complaints.
d. Sending e-mail with charity requests, petitions for signatures, or any chainmail-related materials.
e. Sending bulk e-mail without identifying in the e-mail a clear and easy means to be excluded from receiving additional e-mail from the originator of the e-mail. NOTE: The inclusion of an opt-out clause does not necessarily legitimize sending unsolicited e-mail.
f. Sending e-mail that does not accurately identify the sender, the sender's return address, and the e-mail address of origin.
g. Using Company facilities to violate what could reasonably be considered a violation of another Internet Service Provider's (ISP) acceptable use policy and/or terms of service.
Users are further prohibited from the following activities:
i. Employing any mechanisms, software or scripts when using the Company web site. However, Users may use the interfaces or software provided by the Company within the scope of the services available on our web site and in accordance with these Terms;
ii. Blocking, overwriting, modifying and copying of any contents of the Company web site.
iii. Distributing or publicly disclosing the contents of the web site or any of its terms, without written permission from the Company, or
iv. Performing any actions that may impair the operability of the Company web site infrastructure, particularly actions that may overload said infrastructure, servers, bandwidth or other equipment or software.