Guarantee and Warranty Information

Most products are covered by us for the first 30 days so in the unlikely event that your item arrives damaged or develops a problem within this time then please get in touch with us to arrange a replacement or refund - see our returns policy for more information.

Some products are covered by us for a longer period of time, see below for full details.

The manufacturer guarantee may be longer than this, which will usually be indicated on the product description or in any information supplied with the product. If a problem should arise outside of the time in which we hold the guarantee, but within the manufacturers guarantee period then we would advise contacting the manufacturer directly.

Manufacturers contact information can be found in the tables below. If the manufacturer of your item is not in the list, please contact us.

We are more than happy to assist with any faulty products purchased from us that are still in a manufacturers guarantee period. If you need any assistance in trying to resolve issues with a faulty product purchased from us then please feel free to contact us.

Brands where we hold a lifetime guarantee

Brands where we hold a 12 month guarantee
Aerolatte, Arthur Price Cutlery, Bamix, Beko, Breville, Chasseur, Chef's Choice, Clive Christian, Cole & Mason, Crock Pot, CrushGrind, Cuisinart, Dreamland, Dualit, George Foreman, Global, Grunwerg, James Martin, Judge, Ken Hom Woks, London Pottery, RKW, Russell Hobbs, School of Wok, Stellar, World of Flavours

Brands where we hold a 6 month guarantee
I.O.SHEN, Knife Wizard, Barbary & Oak, Boneco, Bugatti, Cuisipro, Culinare, DUUX, Funky Appliance Company, Furi, Hubble Connected, Kasumi Knives, Mermaid, Morris & Co, Nordic Ware, OXO Good Grips, Portmerion, RHS, Ridel, Robert Welch, Rockingham Forge, Royal Worcester, Sara Miller London, Spiegelau, Spode, Swan, Tower, Tramontina, Tristar, V&A, Vybra, William Morris, Winix, Woods, Zwilling, Zyliss

Brands where we hold a 30 day guarantee
All others

A +-
BrandContact NumberContact Email
Absodry0330 100 5206[email protected]
Acctim01908 449205[email protected]
Addis0800 515 300
Adhoc[email protected]
Aerolatte0845 872 4954
AGA Tinware01603 418 453
Alice In Wonderland01536 207 710
Anton Studios Glassware020 7249 0710[email protected]
Apollo0845-6605445[email protected]
Artesa0121 604 6000
Arthur Price Cutlery01543257775
Artisan Street01386 421 622
Artland Glassware0207 249 0710
Ava & I0121 604 6000
B +-
BrandContact NumberContact Email
Bake O Glide Liners01706 224 790
Bakehouse & Co.01386 421 622
Baker & Salt01282 687030
Bamix0116 234 4646
Barbary & Oak[email protected]
BarCraft Barware0121 604 6000
Barista & Co01202 619 500
Bedeck Of Belfast0333 200 7331[email protected]
Beko0333 207 9710
BIA Serveware0207 249 0710
Bialetti Espresso Makers01202 619 500
Bee's Wrap[email protected]
Boneco00800 8595 8595[email protected]
Brita0344 742 4800
Bugatti020 7376 4251[email protected]
Built01536 207 710
Burgon & Ball0114 233 8262
Burton McCall0116 234 4646[email protected]
C +-
BrandContact NumberContact Email
Catskill Kitchen Trolleys01488 686 572
Chantry Knife Sharpener01142 724 221
Chasseur Cast Iron01730 811 811
Chef'n0121 604 6000
Chef's Choice Knife Sharpener01730 811 811
Clare Mackie Stoneware0207 249 0710
Clive Christian Cutlery01543 257 775
Cole & Mason Mills01252 522 322[email protected]
Colourworks Silicone Tools0121 604 6000[email protected]
Cooksmart01732 759010
Creative Tops Table Mats & Trays0121 604 6000
Crock Pot0844 800 8055
CrushGrind Mills01275 841 841
Cuisinart0370 240 6902[email protected]
Culinare01252 828055[email protected]
D +-
BrandContact NumberContact Email
Dartington01805 626 262
Defenders01953 881580
Delfinware Wireware01303 266 061
Delia Online Bakeware01706 224 790
Denby01773 740 899
Dexam01730 811 811
Deyongs01442268057[email protected]
Dreamland0844 800 8055
Dualit01293 652 500
DUUX0330 058 9400[email protected]
E +-
BrandContact NumberContact Email
Eddingtons Kitchen Accessories & Trolleys01488 686 572
Emile Henry01782 572910[email protected]
Emma Bridgewater01603 418 453
English Tableware Company01246 2605000
Epicurean01488 686 572
F +-
BrandContact NumberContact Email
Funky Appliance Company08000 149 340[email protected]
Fusion01903 716500[email protected]
G +-
BrandContact NumberContact Email
George Foreman0844 800 8055
Global01142 756 700
GreenPan Cookware01483 255 842/02035141512[email protected]
Grunwerg01142 756 700[email protected]
H +-
BrandContact NumberContact Email
Hahn01438 740 257
Heathcote & Ivory0207 483 83 83
Henckels0845 262 1731[email protected]
Herdy01539 739202[email protected]
Home Made Jam, Chutney Making & Bottling0121 604 6000
Honeywell0844 800 8055
Hubble Connected08445579677[email protected]
Hug Rug01484 959 301[email protected]
I +-
BrandContact NumberContact Email
I.O.SHEN Knives01869 357 700
If You Care01488 686 572
Industrial Kitchen0121 604 6000
J +-
BrandContact NumberContact Email
James Martin0117 940 0000
Jeray01494 766566[email protected]
Judge0117 940 0000[email protected]
Jura0800 304 7470[email protected]
K +-
BrandContact NumberContact Email
Kasumi Knives[email protected]
Ken Hom Woks01252 522 322
Kilner0151 486 1888
KitchenAid0800 988 1266[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
KitchenCraft Gadgets0121 604 6000
Kneelo0114 233 8262[email protected]
Knife Wizard Electric Knife Sharpeners01869 357 700
Krisk0121 604 6000
Kuhn Rikon01902 458 410
Kuvings0333 222 9935[email protected]
L +-
BrandContact NumberContact Email
La Cafetière0121 604 6000[email protected]
La Rochere0914-337-1081[email protected]
Le Creuset0800 373 792[email protected]
Le Xpress Coffee & Tea0121 604 6000
Living Nostalgia Tinware0121 604 6000
Lock & Lock01-833-355- 0053[email protected]
Lodge01488 686 572
London Pottery Teapots0121 604 6000
Lovello0121 604 6000
LSA01932 789 721[email protected]
Lucy's Farm07723603850
Lyndon Company01442268057[email protected]
M +-
BrandContact NumberContact Email
Madame Treacle[email protected]
Magimix01483 528 044[email protected]
Mary Berry01386 421622
Mason Cash0151 486 1888
MasterClass Professional0121 604 6000
Maxwell & Williams0121 604 6000
Melitta0800 028 8002[email protected]
Microplane Graters0116 234 4646[email protected]
Mikasa0121 604 6000
N +-
BrandContact NumberContact Email
Nachtmann01782 646105[email protected]
Natural Elements0121 604 6000
Navigate01279 653249[email protected]
Nespresso Coffee Machines0800 442 442
NJ Products01924 443763[email protected]
Nordic Ware01-877-466-7342[email protected]
NoStik[email protected]
O +-
BrandContact NumberContact Email
Orange Tree Toys01242 244500[email protected]
OXO Good Grips0207 949 0115[email protected]
P +-
BrandContact NumberContact Email
Peppa Pig01782 743 427
Peter Rabbit01488 686 572
Pioneer0208 836 3500[email protected]
Polor Gear0845 2932793
Price & Kensington0151 486 1888
Price's Candles01234 264500[email protected]
Pyrex01564 786 030
Q +-
BrandContact NumberContact Email
R +-
BrandContact NumberContact Email
Ravenhead Glassware0151 486 1888
RHS020 3176 5840
Ridel01782 646105[email protected]
RKW0333 220 6059[email protected]
Robert Welch01386 840522[email protected]
Rockingham Forge2031432933[email protected]
Russell Hobbs0844 800 8055
S +-
BrandContact NumberContact Email
Sabatier0121 604 6000
Sabatier Professional01142 724 221
Sage0808 178 1650[email protected]
Samuel Groves0121 764 7393[email protected]
Scanpan01782 572 910[email protected]
School Of Wok01730 811 811
Scion Living01730 811 811
Selfset01953 881580[email protected]
Smart Fun Electricals08444 069 098
Smidge0117 940 0000
Sophie Conran01782 743 427
Sorbo01728 833 400[email protected]
Spice Kitchen0151 245 1603[email protected]
Spiegelau01782 646105
Stellar0117 940 0000
Swan0333 015 2607[email protected]
Sweetly Does It0121 604 6000
Swing-A-Way0121 604 6000
T +-
BrandContact NumberContact Email
T&G01275 841 841[email protected]
Taylor Pro0121 604 6000
Taylor's Eye Witness01142 724 221[email protected]
The Big Cheese01953 881580[email protected]
The Just Slate Company01592 654 222[email protected]
The Three Rivers01279 653249[email protected]
Tower0333 220 6066[email protected]
Tramontina0281 884-3084[email protected]
Typhoon(0)151 486 1888
U +-
BrandContact NumberContact Email
Uberstar01525 222489[email protected]
Ulster Weavers028 9032 9494[email protected]
V +-
BrandContact NumberContact Email
Victorinox Knives0116 234 4646
Viners Cutlery0151 486 1888
Vintage Kellogg's01730 811811[email protected]
Vitamix Blenders0333 222 9927[email protected]
Vybra0330 100 5206[email protected]
W +-
BrandContact NumberContact Email
Walton & Co Tablecloths & Textiles01423 326 332
Whirlpool03448 549979
Winix0330 100 5206[email protected]
World Of Flavours0121 604 6000
Wrendale Designs[email protected]
Wusthof01782 572910
X +-
BrandContact NumberContact Email
Y +-
BrandContact NumberContact Email
Z +-
BrandContact NumberContact Email
Zeal01684 342313[email protected]
Zone In01953 881580[email protected]
Zwilling0330 363 0005[email protected]
Zyliss01252 828055